دانلود کتاب A Guide to Writing College …

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عنوان کتاب:

A Guide to Writing College Admissions Essays: Practical Advice for Students and Parents


Cory M. Franklin, Linda Black, Paul Weingarten, Suzanne Franklin

سال انتشار:



‎ Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

فرمت کتاب:


59,000 تومان

تاریخ انتشار: 28 بهمن 1401
دسترسی آنی
تضمین کیفیت
قیمت مناسب

A Guide to Writing College Admissions Essays: Practical Advice for Students and Parents


This book is a guide for students writing their college admissions essays, primarily the 650-word Common App essay and supplementary essays that many schools require as part of their admission applications. With more students applying to college, and those students applying to more schools than ever before, college admission selection is far more competitive than in the past and the college essay is a key component.

We offer suggestions on good topics to write about without getting too specific (and just as importantly what not to write about), vital tips on writing approach, grammar, and usage. This guide can be for anyone who wants to write better, more clearly and crisply. If used properly, this book will help you craft a readable, interesting essay that will attract the college admissions reader by giving you a creative voice and the means to express yourself. No guarantees, but it just might make a difference in the final admission process. A Guide to Writing College


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59,000 تومان

تاریخ انتشار: 28 بهمن 1401
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  • امکان پرداخت از طریق کلیه کارت های شتاب
  • دانلود فایل محصول بلافاصله بعد از خرید
  • دسترسی به فایل محصول به صورت مادام‌العمر
  • تضمین کیفیت تمام بخش های محصول
  • پشتیبانی 24 ساعته هفت روز هفته

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