دانلود کتاب A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses…

تصویر شاخص
عنوان کتاب:

A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East: Three Thousand Deities of Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and Elam


Douglas R. Frayne, Johanna H. Stuckey, Stéphane D. Beaulieu

سال انتشار:



‎ Eisenbrauns

فرمت کتاب:


59,000 تومان

تاریخ انتشار: 28 بهمن 1401
دسترسی آنی
تضمین کیفیت
قیمت مناسب

A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East: Three Thousand Deities of Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and Elam

From the tragic young Adonis to Zašhapuna, first among goddesses, this handbook provides the most complete information available on deities from the cultures and religions of the ancient Near East, including Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Sumer, Babylonia, Assyria, and Elam.

The result of nearly fifteen years of research, this handbook is more expansive and covers a wider range of sources and civilizations than any previous reference works on the topic. Arranged alphabetically, the entries range from multiple pages of information to a single line―sometimes all that we know about a given deity. Where possible, each record discusses the deity’s symbolism and imagery, connecting it to the myths, rituals, and festivals described in ancient sources. Many of the entries are accompanied by illustrations that aid in understanding the iconography, and they all include references to texts in which the god or goddess is mentioned.

Appropriate for both trained scholars and nonacademic readers, this book collects centuries of Near Eastern mythology into one volume. It will be an especially valuable resource for anyone interested in Assyriology, ancient religion, and the ancient Near East. A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses


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59,000 تومان

تاریخ انتشار: 28 بهمن 1401
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  • امکان پرداخت از طریق کلیه کارت های شتاب
  • دانلود فایل محصول بلافاصله بعد از خرید
  • دسترسی به فایل محصول به صورت مادام‌العمر
  • تضمین کیفیت تمام بخش های محصول
  • پشتیبانی 24 ساعته هفت روز هفته

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